What is beyond diagnosis?
Many of us have been given a mental health diagnosis. Sometimes it brings relief that we are not the only ones who feel this way, sometimes it feels good to be validated and listened to.
But when that feeling of relief wares off and we are left with a stigma, an identity crafted by someone else's opinion, where do we go next? Many of us have spent too many anxious hours trying to find help, going down dead ends, and feeling worse after talking with people who don't really understand.
When I discovered a new paradigm in psychology called the Three Principles it changed so many things for me. I realized I wasn't my pain or my emotions, my moods or fears. Once I started to understand this, I saw that I wasn't limited by my old ideas and belief systems, the stories I had told myself that had kept my life small. These were all made of thoughts passing through my mind. I discovered that I had innate wellbeing, courage, and wisdom. I went from being terrified to leave my bedroom to traveling around the world!
A diagnosis doesn't describe who we are!
It might describe how we were feeling on a certain day but that's not
who we are.
However you are trying to cope, it doesn't have to be like this. There is a better way.
When we look further upstream and see that underneath all the anxious thinking and old ideas, we have innate mental health. All of us, it's our birthright! No baby is born anxious. Once we understand how this works, we don't have to be victims of our thinking or our circumstances. We can live lives of calm and beauty, safe in the knowledge that
But I have an illness! My doctor told me I have a chemical imbalance or that it's genetics.
Please know that there is no scientific proof of any of this. There are no blood tests or MRIs for any of the diagnoses in the DSM, except Parkinson's and dementia. If someone says they have been tested for OCD or ADHD for example, the test was a series of questions devised and interpreted by well-meaning doctors based on opinion but this is not science. Some may say that an MRI shows their brain is different. Well, either years of medication have done this, or years of stress have impacted their biology. It could even be both but it's not an illness.
There is a life beyond diagnosis. A life that is calm, full of purpose, and good relationships. It is innate and we all have it.
We all have innate wellbeing and we all can access it no matter what we have been
through. We are never broken and there is nothing to fix!
Please read the stories of recovery in the book, and check out the videos to hear how people got better. Take a course to understand yourself, your loved ones or your clients better. There is so much freedom when you understand how the mind works and what really creates our experiences. No matter what your diagnosis, no matter who gave it to you, it's not who you are! Click here to receive the free Detox eBook!
If you open the DSM, the dictionary of diagnosis used by psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and family doctors, I guarantee you that at the beginning of every single diagnosis was prolonged stressful thinking. Many people cope with their stress and anxiety by drinking, overeating or abusing drugs. Others by cutting themselves, using obsessive rituals to calm their nerves, purging up food, or hurting others. Some cope by living in alternate realities in an attempt to save themselves until help arrives.
The side effects of medications are numerous and damaging. Just yesterday I heard the story of a young woman who had a psychotic break and ended up in the psychiatric hospital being sedated by serious medications. It was a reaction to a contraceptive pill called Yazmin! But she is now classified with a psychiatric label and the stigma that goes with this not to mention all kinds of medications and side effects that I have been asked to help her with. Thank God her grandparents found me and we can help her get her life back.
But how many people have had these kinds of unfortunate experiences and ended up in a system that just wants to medicate and sedate?
If you need more support with coaching or mentoring, guidance and support with detox or you want to hear more about these ideas, please check out these pages for more information or you can join us for the Beyond Diagnosis Course - you are not alone!

we are never broken
and don't need fixing.